Department of International Relations and Education Cooperation

Guidance for New Foreign Teachers

This document is prepared by the Department of Foreign Relations and Education Cooperation("International Office" for short) under the leadership of the College Party Committee and relevant leaders. It aims to provide guidance for check-in and inform you of relevant arrangements so as to better prepare you for the work and life in Xinhua College of Sun Yat-Sen University (XHSYSU or "the College").

  1. Check-in Procedure

Date:According to the College schedule, new foreign teachers shall check inone week before the new semesterand receive pre-job training. Early arrivals will be received and provided with lodging by staff members of the International Office and the Campus Management Department, XHSYSU.


  • Room 303, Administration Building, Guangzhou Campus

  • Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport or Guangzhou East Railway Station

Read the table below and prepare the documents required before you go ahead with the check-in procedure. A staff member from the International Office may assist you in finishing the items listed.




Submit materials to the College International Office

You need to submit the following materials:

(1)5 photos with white and blue background each;

(2)a copy of your passport information page and visa page(s) (take your passport in case of inspection)

(3)a copy of your degree certificate

(4)your resume

(5)a copy of your medical examination report

(6)your air ticket and boarding pass


Get registered in the local police station

Take your passport with you.


Get the cards you need to live on campus

(1)Donguan Campus: Buy a hot-water card, an electricity card, a mobile phone SIM card and learn how to top them up. Get your campus card and go to the Internet Center of Donguan Campus to get an NETID, i.e. internet access for your dormitory/apartment.

(2)Guangzhou Campus: Get a campus card


Get your Personal Accident Insurance

Get covered against accidental injuries and hospitalization with personal accident insurance.


Get the key to your dorm/


Get the key to your place from the Department of Logistics, Donguang Campus and inform the International Office of your room number.


1. Check in on …or a week before, during 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

2. Take a medical examination on…,during 8 a.m. to noon.

3. Receive the pre-job training for foreign teachers in Room B-302, Ge Wu Lou ② (teaching building), Dongguan Campus from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

4. Start teaching from….

5. Inform the International Office if you have plans to leave China Mainland for any reasons.

2. Pre-job Training

An introduction to Xinhua College of Sun Yat-Sen University, the labor discipline, the code of conduct(religious activities) and the Campus Life Management Regulations (appendix 1) will be given. New foreign teachers will also receive the training on safety,health and epidemic prevention as well as the Teaching Management Rules(Appendix 2). Relevant information tables need to be filled in, an 18-week teaching plan is required and textbooks are available in the Teaching Administration Department.

Appendix 1

Campus Life Management Regulations for Foreign Faculty

1. According to the instructions of the Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of Guangdong Province and based on the resources available to the College, electrical appliances, furniture and some daily necessities will be provided for free, and careful maintenance of the same is expected of foreign teachers.

2. Foreign teachers may dine at the College canteens or prepare meals at home. Subsidy of meals will not be provided. Dining in makeshift or unregulated restaurants is not encouraged.

3. Regular faculty apartment or single room will be provided for free with bathroom, pedestal toilet, simple kitchen utensils (for teachers who like cooking), internet access and warm/cool air-conditioner. But electricity fee, tap water fee, food and beverage (e.g. tea, coffee) and other articles for personal use (e.g. toilet paper, cleaning supplies, tableware and more kitchenware) will be one's own responsibility.

4. All residents shall be careful with fire and use the electricity in a safe manner. No keeping warm with open flame. All are supposed to turn off the water heater and power it down after bathing, shut off the gas and all the electrical appliances and close the window and the door before leaving the house. It is also advised that all the valuables be kept in the safe, such as cash (small sum), passport, camera and laptop. No climbing over the window or balcony.

5. All the costs and damages caused by his/her violation of the College regulations are the liability of the violator(s), of which foreign faculty members are considered informed after reading this document.

6. Foreign teachers are not allowed to live in other teachers’ apartments or places other than the one arranged for him/her by the College. Religious activities can only be held on religious venues, but not in the dorm/apartment.

7. Foreign teachers shall engage in the building of a favorable atmosphere for English study in areas like classrooms, corridors, teaching buildings and dormitories. Their language strengths shall be given full play in English trainings for students and young teachers as well as the English corner so as to improve the overall English competency of teachers and students.

8. Foreign teachers shall be treated equally as Chinese teachers and without discrimination. Their customs shall be respected and they are expected to work with Chinese teachers in harmony.

9.On working days, all teachers living on the campus are required to return to their dorm/apartment before 11 p.m. Visitors shall leave before 10 p.m. and staying overnight is not allowed.

10. No smoking, drinking or ordering takeouts on the campus.

11. In case of any difficulties, foreign teachers can turn to the College International Office for help and support.

12. Foreign teachers violating any of the above will be dealt with accordingly, i.e.

  • First violation: The violator will receive a verbal warning and will be required to sit down with the International Office to reach an understanding.

  • Second violation: A written warning will be issued and the violator will be denied the timely payment of his/her salary for that month.

  • Third violation: A written warning will be issued, the contract terminated and the work visa suspended. The dismissed shall refund the College all the expenses paid to get a work visa.

Appendix 2

Teaching Management Rules for Foreign Facult

1.Foreign faculty members shall strictly abide by the rules of the College on the management of teaching affairs.

2. The College’s work-rest schedule shall be observed. Showing up late or leaving early is not allowed.

3. Promoting and/or attending missionary activities on the campus, along with any behaviors incompatible to the identity as a teacher are frowned upon.

4. Foreign faculty members are required to prepare a syllabus, make teaching plans, set out the teaching schedule, content, focus and possible difficulties, and teach as scheduled.

5. Foreign teachers are expected to encourage students, exert positive influence, collect feedback from students and improve their teaching accordingly.

6. Foreign teachers are expected to assign proper homework to students, record class attendance, completion of assignments, students’ learning attitude and test/exam scores and offer advice to help students improve.

7. It is also the responsibility of foreign teachers to prepare and grade exam papers, review the exam papers with students and report and submit the exam results to teaching management personnel.

8. Classes given by foreign faculty members should be open to other teachers. Assistance to teaching evaluation is also required of foreign faculty members.

9. It is necessary for foreign teachers to communicate with teaching management personnel in a timely manner and actively participate in teaching and research activities so as to improve the quality of teaching.

10. Class schedule adjusted according to China’s official holiday arrangements is expected to be accepted by all.

11. Changing class schedule and suspending classes without official permission are not allowed. So is taking part-time jobs.

12. Foreign teachers need to attend regular meetings and submit reports as part of the effort to promote the quality of teaching.

13. Whatever emergencies shall be brought to the immediate attention of the International Office.